I paid for Free Speech and it made me feel dirty.

Well folks, I did it. I bought myself limited free speech for $11.00 a month. For $132.00 a year, I can say things that might be seen. Today was an interesting day. I was involved in a thread / discourse with the Blue Checkmark verified account for Alexander Hamilton that had over 1,000 engagements. I called him a traitor, he asked me to elaborate, it’s a long story of which I’ll spare you the details…

I’ve never had more than a dozen engagements. I had a tweet re-tweeted 4 times with 20 likes and approximately as many replies involving 4-5 different people. I gained two followers. It was wild. I have been looking at Twitter ever since President Trump brought me there for Trump Tweets in real time.

I never saw the point of Twitter. I opened my first account in 2012 and I never used it. Social Media was too much. We already had Facebook, and then Instagram and then Twitter. So there it sat my little account dormant and out of the way.

Then Trump Tweets and Commie Twitter and the war for Free Speech, the muzzling of my voice, the theft of my vote, the bans, the bans the bans. I’ve lost count of accounts. The current one has been in existence since April 2022. I’ve Tweeted several thousand times. I’ve tweeted to myself. I was speaking to walls. Here I sat, silenced and aware. My vote no longer my voice, can’t let my beliefs out unless willing to risk getting cancelled, out there on Twitter, talking to the wall.

Then Elon and his promises to redeem the public forum and fight for Free Speech. Then the advertisers and the war. They’re out to destroy him and prevent him from doing it. They want the opposite. The Twitter files have confirmed it.

Elon is in the fight. Commie Twitter dug in like the Japs on Iwo Jima. The alogrithms prevailed. . Elon Twitter seemed much better but still nothing but crickets. I always knew Free Speech couldn’t possibly be Free.

I sign up for the check mark. The check mark I expect to not get. The check mark I could care less if I have. I signed up because I want a voice and the cost of Free Speech has gone from $8.00 to $11.00. I toss in my coin, and my world opens up. For less than a communist Big Mac, I’m engaged in actual discourse. No one is screaming, no one is calling someone a racist or a facist or a Nazi. We just discuss. Wild. People see what I’m saying even though I’m still being de-boosted. Muzzled, minimized.

Check out some of my tweets below and see how dangerous they are. At the end of the day, I don’t know if $11.00 is the right price for Free Speech. Really hard to put a price on something that starts with the word free. It didn’t feel like I had handed over my money for a service, it felt like I handed over a ransom. If I could pay $11.00 to ensure my vote was counted on Election Day, I would there as well.

Discourse on Hamilton gets the de-boost
Tweet about being de-boosted gets de-boosted after purchasing exactly $11.00 worth of free speech
Verified Hamilton doesn’t agree with my take, post gets de-boosted anyway. I got the feeling he was getting ready to raise an army and start heading my way.
De-boosting of Discussions about Federal Reserve Bank
I bought the most expensive monthly free speech plan they were selling. De-boosted
Sharing ideas about things I read in print: de-boosted
Credit given to George Washington and defense mounted that he is not a traitor: de-boosted
Love for country and desire for a voice: de-boosted