Kevin McCarthy and the CCP

Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield, California really really really wants to be Speaker of the House. What will likely soon be viewed as worse than January 6, the election deniers and insurrectionist faction of the party have rained on his parade.

You know who else is from Bakersfield? Some of the smartest criminals you have ever seen. These two geniuses set themselves on fire while commiting what sounds like (based on the muddled and terrible details of this establishment media outlet) a possible hate crime. “The immigration services owner said he is devastated regarding the fire.” says the article on the site.
Bakersfield is a wild and wacky place filled with some of the nation’s most intelligent criminals.

Anyway, this is what is happening in McCarthy’s district while he is throwing a tantrum and demanding to be made speaker while simultaneously squatting in the office reserved for House Speaker. The commies are in lock step and they are currently out-voting McCarthy by 11 with Mini Obama.

Enough about the swamp. Let’s look at K Mac’s relationships with the King Gavin Newson and the California Communist Party and the overall condition of his district.

Newsom addresses Pelosi as Aunt Nancy during family Holiday gatherings. Aunt Nancy needs no further introduction and if she does, try Google. Now that Aunt Nancy is retiring, she will be spending a lot of her time at the new 20+ Million Dollar Mansion in Florida.

Bakersfield is a dump. Used to be Famous for the Country Music now it’s infamous for Crime, Homelessness and Meth, much like the rest of California. I’m sure you can find a Ukraine flag flying on every front porch.

The word on the Twitterverse is that McCarthy has voted with Democrats 46% of the time in his 6 years. When Trump was in office, Communists in the senate used the Filibuster 314 times to block Republican legislation. Nancy Pelosi tore up Trump’s State of the Union. How many times do you think Republicans got her vote?

46% of the time, he sides with the commies every time.

McCarthy is too close and might be compromised. The commies are really good at infiltrating shit. Take a look at the history of the KGB and their astonishingly successful infiltration of British Intelligence during World War 2. Watching him desperately fight and cling on has been rather entertaining. Way back when Ukraine ended covid I learned you never trust the people wearing and flying the Ukraine Flag.

Speaking of Ukraine, the only way to stop the spending there does not involve Kev-o as Speaker of the House. Thanks to Gaetz and Boebert, I’m liking what I’m seeing. Can’t drain the swamp by making it’s biggest aligator the leader. God help us all.

Most of these speakers sound great I bet
I love watching junkies fight for the best corner. Going to work is so much easier.
I wonder if Shannon would be upset if they started spending billions in Bakersfield instead of Ukraine.