Rob Reiner is Suffering from the Worst TDS I’ve Ever Seen

Rob Reiner has lost his mind. I had to mute him. I thought the TDS was bad before Biden and the classified documents. Since the documents, the TDS has only advanced, quite possibly to the next stage. I always thought TDS consumed people like a cancer. I believe Reiner’s behavior only proves this.

If you don’t read Reiner’s Tweets, you can probably still imagine what they sound like since all commies sound exactly the same and spit out the exact same talking points. They are a well oiled machine, these commies. One tweet has Reiner saying “The sooner the DOJ can clear President Biden of any criminal wrongdoing, the sooner they can focus on saving the Rule of Law and our Democracy by Indicting Trump. We’re way past that time.” You cannot make this stuff up. Biden did nothing wrong, let’s lock Trump up for some Documents.

I thought I had met some people that were pretty far advanced in their TDS, but Reiner takes the cake. Trump must really get a kick out of all the real estate Reiner is giving him rent free in his head.


He’s back on this since the Document scandal is a tough one to explain