Church mad at California for normalizing Pedophilia, Closing Univerisity after 154 years of molesting children.

Holy Names University, A Roman Catholic institution, is closing up shop. This is interesting news to say the least. Apparently, they are having financial difficulties due to the impossible cost of doing anything in California. This is shocking considering how well the Government of California has been doing as of late with all of their surplusses and such. When considering the Vatican’s surpluses on top of California’s, the confusion only gets deeper. <!-more->

Personally, I think there is more to this than just finances. Since I’m an investigative blogger with this amazing mind, I’m going to go down that rabbit hole for a bit. Consider this: Maybe it’s possible that no longer having a corner on the Pedophile market has also affected the church. Remember in the 80’s everyone in Southern California knew someone their age that had been molested by a Priest?

Fast forward to 2022 and everyone knows someone whose kid has been groomed by a public educator. The only major difference is the Church tried to sweep it under the rug and keep the pedo news under wraps. In 2022, the CCP (California Communist Party, aka Democrats) are attempting to “normalize the bulge” and convince you that everything is fine. In short order, they have out-perverted the institution with the longest historical record of perversion in the world. In case you are wondering, that is not a compliment.

One thing I will give the Church is this: it’s not for lack of effort that they have lost this perverted battle. They have indeed put forth great effort. Their public support for Trans Day of Rememberance on Twitter was stunning and brave. Firing that pro life mid level bureacrat they call a Cardinal or Bishop or whatever he was is also a step in the right direction. If you want to win their hearts and minds, you have to be ok with them killing their unborn. If you really want to win them, you have to pretend like you want them to kill their unborn as well.

As I sit here and ponder these things from not California, I can’t help but wonder if they are behind all my content disappearing. One thing I do know, is it wasn’t the Holy Roman Church as they didn’t become a potential suspect until right now. It was either them or the trannies or some Antifa trannies or some pissed off pimple faced liberal hacker that accuses everyone he knows of being obsessed with Trump while constantly sending them links about the walls closing in on Trump or the Chinese or Apple. I did disparage them all but I did not disparage them all equally. California, I give it all to you, for the most part. I dedicate myself to helping the people who elected you to stay there. It’s not easy work but we need them to stay there. I know you agree with me, King Gavin. I’ve heard you say those exact words while trying to pass a 10 year back door tax provision for any rich person caught moving out of your shit hole state.
