Activists telling Californians to sign a petition for lower gas prices while passing around a petition to ban drilling.

Fringe Lunatic Marxist Activists (Very possibly full time employees of KTLA, LA Times or other California Media outlets) are stooping to new lows to trick some of California’s best and brightest into signing petitions that will raise their gas prices even higher than they already are.

Since California’s best and brightest are among the worst educated in the Western world, this is causing problems for the Californians that do actual work. If they didn’t have to be up early in the morning for work, they would be working on some silly and effective counter campaign to combat this. What more could you expect from a state that allows ballot harvesting by law, frees the pedophiles whilst locking up the pot heads that were too high to count and fucked up the math on their weed grow all while grooming your child to change their pronouns.

Good luck with this, brave wage earners of California. I know discussing these things might make all my content disappear as if it never existed again, but I have back-ups this time and will have it back up much more quickly next time around.
