California adds a plethora of new laws which allow California to be even more of a shit hole than previously thought possible.

It’s a new year in California, and that brings a lot of new laws leaving you raw and infected with Monkeypox. I am here to make sure you are aware and prepared for these changes so I can help you stay there with minimal impact to your last shred of freedom. Apparently, King Gavin Newsom signed a mind melting number of bills (somewhere in the ballpark of 1,000) into law during the last year of our Lord, 2022. (Accurate count has been tough to obtain.) Here are the highlights:

  1. SB 1087 Makes it a crime to purchase a used catalytic converter from the black market that prior state laws have forced you to. Next time your Catalytic Converter get’s sawed off your car, you will face criminal charges if you don’t get back into compliance using a state approved retailer, thereby forcing you to pay market prices and taxes over and over again. Nice. Can’t see this one hurting the budget surplus.
  2. AB 2147 puts an end to those racist Jay walking tickets. If it’s not a racist, it’s a Nazi. Am I right?
  3. AB 2098, passed and signed into law before King Gavin hands back his Covid Emergency Powers in 2023, finishes the job Elon Musk’s Free Twitter couldn’t. It makes those anti-scientists that were banned then let back on Twitter subject to being punished for providing misinformation by the state. Be careful, brave Scientists! You have been warned, TRUST THE SCIENCE!
  4. SB 1375 Allows nurses to help those abortion doctors in the midst of the buy one get one free abortion ad Drops. You may not have heard, but California imports women to murder their unborn. They hate Children as discussed in many posts before.
  5. SB 107 Ensures that your child can be manipulated and castrated by the state, even if you live in Northern Idaho and are surrounded by Feds. (Ray Epps, you need to come clean!) This bill will conveniently allow California to traffic your child across state lines for said castration, legally. As noted above, California hates Children and no child shall ever be safe while the CCP (California Communist Party) is here to “defend” and “protect” their rights.
  6. Saved by the grace of a judge: Your Big Mac Meals will remain in the $16.00 – $17.00 range for the next 6 or so months. AB 257 will, if allowed to continue, make California the defacto labor negotiator for all fast food employees. This will allow the “people” (your elected officials) to control the means of production. Always remember: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”. You think a $16.00 lunch is bad? It will be $26.00 if those commies pull this felonious crime off. Thankfully, a separate but equal bill raised the minumum wage to $15.50 an hour so that job at Mickey D’s will almost bring in half of what you need to make that $2000.00 rent.

Good grief. I wish I had better news for you, Comrades of California who voted for this. The Big Mac thing is a silver lining, at least. Let’s think hard. We need to find a way to keep you there. In the mean time, keep your kids on a leash, avoid Disneyland and their empire at all costs, buy more ammo and get that 23 & Me test out of the way. IF we can prove your lineage traveled through a slave port (like 90% chance you did), maybe we can get you some of those sweet sweet Reparations.

I can imagine. Maybe not for those who choose to be a victim, but most definitely for those who REFUSE to be one…
The anti-racist left has laser-painted a target on this poor free-thinker’s back.

Could be $26, pray for that judge!
Yeah, bro. It’s true.
They do this for YOUR safety.
