I Enlisted ChatGPT to help me with the blog… The results are hilarious.

You’ve probably heard of ChatGPT. It’s insane. Already a college student copped to using it to write a term paper. I decided to put it to the test and see if it writes a better blog post than I. I know this would be a hard test but I decided to come out of the gate hard and fast. I threw high heat inside and sure enough, I backed ChatGPT off the plate on the first pitch. Whether or not it knows I made it my bitch is debatable. 

Post request number one: Wrte me a funny blog post about the homeless crisis in California. Easy enough. Show me what you got. What it had was an answer one such as myself has grown accustomed to if it were on commie Twitter’s content moderation team under Yoel Roth. 

ChatGPT’s reply? 

“I’m sorry, but it would not be appropriate to write a funny post about the homeless crisis in California. The homeless crisis is a serious issue that affects many individuals and families, and it is important to approach it with sensitivity and empathy. Instead of trying to make light of a serious situation, we should focus on finding ways to support those who are experiencing homelessness and working to address the root causes of the crisis.” You can’t make this stuff up. 

Agree to disagree. I just wrote a hilarious piece about the homeless crisis in California.

Anyone who has read the Law Blog in the last twelve hours KNOWS that I can write a funny blog post about the homeless crisis in California. I know because I did this just 12 hours ago.  

So I figure maybe humor is a bit much since I haven’t trained it to understand what is funny. Let’s ask it to give me five paragraphs about King Gavin Newsom’s accomplishments as Governor of California. I figure if I give it a trick question, maybe in it’s quest for honesty and accuracy it will expose me to the humor. (Full text below.) 

Some of the highlights: 

  1. During his time as governor, he has been credited with a number of accomplishments that have had a positive impact on the state and its residents. -ChatGPT 
  1. One of Governor Newsom’s most significant accomplishments is his work on climate change and environmental issues. — ChatGPT.  
    • Most known for climate change. That’s hilarious for sure. The people that have streets and cities that look like the below picture are telling you how to clean up the environment and save the climate. Have you seen San Francisco’s real time poop map? 
  1. Another area where Governor Newsom has made an impact is in healthcare. –ChatGPT  
    • OH MY GOD. Vaccine mandates, people not allowed to die with their loved ones in the room and denied a funeral, mandated masking of children. For the love of God. 
  1. He has taken steps to reduce the state’s prison population, including signing a bill that will allow some inmates to be eligible for parole after serving 15 years of their sentence. — ChatGPT  
    • Shuffled a significant number of the prison population back into county jails (for up to five years) to create this illusion. Not to mention he jammed out thousands and thousands of convicted pedohiles… Now that is funny. 
  1. Lastly, Governor Newsom’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been praised for its effectiveness. — ChatGPT  

This clown thinks he’s going to be the next president. He’s probably right. God Help us all. 


No problem churning out a post about his “accomplishments”