Lunatic Fringe Trans Activist Media Outlet Attempts to Explain why Releasing Trump’s Tax Returns was Good for Democracy

Fringe left activist News outlet KTLA says it’s ok to leak a former President’s tax returns. Of course! Why wouldn’t they? They also said they thought it was ok to raid him with the FBI, I’m sure. (I don’t know I don’t really watch them.)

Basically, what the doublespeak masterminds are saying is that it’s ok because it reveals that the IRS didn’t do it’s job when auditing Trump. Once again, they’re mad because the IRS didn’t do this to Trump. Remember way back when Joe Biden took office? Within weeks of him getting sworn in reports start to surface that he owes the IRS 1.5 million dollars for “mistakes” he made when reporting his income. These stories of course went nowhere. Granted this was before we knew that Joe Biden is in fact the “Big Guy” and Hunter had been comingling his finances with Joe while he was running around the world collecting checks in a drug induced stupor at the same time his good old Pops was sitting Vice President.

It pains me to have to mention this, but since the commie trans activists over there at KTLA didn’t, I guess I have no choice. Trump did not collect a salary while he was President of the United States. He worked for free all the while tanking his very successful brand by making himself the enemy of many many very rich people. Trump gave up much more than these swine could imagine because none of them would have ever done it.
