Sewer Geysers: The Old Faithful of Progress.

The residents of San Francisco have been putting up with a lot of shit. Usually, the shit is in the sidewalks and a well trained eye prevents it from ending up on the bottom of your shoe. Thanks to climate crisis, the shit is now spraying out of the sewers like Old Faithful at Yellowstone. The water in the sewer geysers is a few shades darker brown.

As you can imagine, this is a bit problematic for some. For example: all those junkies that sleep near the drains for warmth at night are impacted and even further displaced, which I didn’t even know was possible. While all the extra water has likely helped wash away all the feces from the sidewalks, it has covered everything else in feces filled water. Basically it has spread all that feces and hepatis all over everything. I bet it smells fantastic. On the positive side, it has washed away a ton of dirty needles thereby decreasing the risk of accidental sticks while walking down the block. How could the climate do this to us?


It’s even more beautiful when you watch it while listening to Mozart.
Hard to sleep next to the drain when it’s shooting raw sewage 20 feet into the air.
Sewer geysers are nature’s way of cleansing the city
No Caption Needed
This is just a copy of the sex offender registry map with the pin color changed.
This was also my thought. Use the poop to wash away the poop. Progress has a price. How could the climate do this to us?