The Twitter Chains are off and Elon is mixing it up with the timelines. People are losing their minds.

I stepped in a pile of fresh junkie shit on Free Twitter. I’m on the cusp of my first ratio and it’s not as bad as it looks but it looks pretty bad. I had the audacity to defend Kyle Rittenhouse while saying his actions that lead to his incident got him into that mess and were not that smart. He was a kid when that night started but not when it ended.

In fact, I believe there are many things that Kyle did wrong that night even though I am glad he made it out with his life and after a couple years of hell made it out with his life again by getting rightfully acquited. Briefly, let me point them out since I don’t have a character limit like I do on Elon’s blog.

  1. The first mistake Kyle made that night was showing up in the first place. It didn’t have to be his fight but he felt a sense of duty and whatever else drew him there. If it had been me, I wouldn’t have put myself in the situation at all.
  2. Positioning himself on the ground. With a rifle like that, you can protect life and property from a much safer distance. He should have been on a rooftop. Like I said, Mr. Rittenhouse was just a kid before he became a man that night. In his head he wanted to provide medical assistance also. In battle, the men providing the aid are clearly marked and not carrying a rifle. Geneva convention and war deceny prevent soldiers from taking out a medic as he is a non-combatitant and there to save lives not take them. You cannot show up to a riot prepared to do both and expect good results.
  3. Wandering off into the mob alone. At the very beginning of the night, that waste of air Rosenbaum was in Kyle’s face on video using words that only a liberal could get away with using and literally told the not-yet man that if he found him alone he would kill him. He was so close he was probably spitting on him with the vile shit that was coming out of his mouth at a so called BLM rally. Yet somehow the kid wanders off alone. Not a good situation to put yourself in.

These are my opinions. When it comes to the law, while I believe Mr. Rittenhouse made many mistakes that night, none of them were illegal. Making a mistake should not cost you your life. The threat on his was real and as they say: Fuck Around and Find Out. Even Kyle admits he has regrets and made mistakes.

I defend Kyle because he was well within his rights to do everything he did that night including shooting three people and killing two of them. They posed a reasonable threat to his life. He acted in defense. He did not murder anyone. All the people talking about murder on Twitter when it comes to Kyle Rittenhouse come from the left. It’s ok for them to say someone should die or wish for them to die, that’s what they do. Defending him is the crime and thanks to Elon Musk, the good old days of just censoring everyone you disagree with are gone. I’m sure there are many more ratios to come. My defense of him is not an endorsement of him. It IS an endorsement of his rights.

Hanging on for dear life. Ratio incoming. Does it still count if half of the comments are people making statements in support?
This explains a thing or two…
I get the feeling the majority of the left prefers the echo chamber otherwise Twitter would not have worked so hard to muzzle me, censor me and make me disappear.
What a pos commie
Commie ChatGPT won’t even tell you he was acquitted. What a bunch of swine.
The chains are finally off and it only took my 8 bucks. Free Speech costs 8 buck 05 so chip in your 8 buck 05